September 19, 2024

Key West resident and musical performer Marjory Lee is running for queen of Fantasy Fest and was misidentified in a photo in last week’s Key West Weekly. CONTRIBUTED

I hate when I have no one but myself to blame for a screw-up. But I learned decades ago how freeing it is to admit a mistake and apologize, fix it however possible and pledge to avoid repeating it in the future.

Which brings us to today’s admission, apology and pledge: I messed up, and while I have no excuse, I do offer a humble apology to Marjory Lee, who is running for queen of Fantasy Fest. 

My mistake occurred in a feature last week about the kickoff to the eight-week fundraising campaign for king and queen of Fantasy Fest — a campaign that last year raised more than $580,000 for the Florida Keys SPCA. 

I mistakenly ran a photo of Carolyn Guarini, but identified her as Marjory Lee. I don’t know how it happened, as I know what each woman looks like and it’s not as if they “could be twins.” So that’s not an optional excuse. Rather it was simply a matter of my own lack of care and oversight.

So again, I humbly offer 1,000 apologies to Marjory Lee, who certainly did NOT need to kick off her hard work of fundraising with a huge mistake in the Key West Weekly.

So this week, I bring you an actual photo of Marjory Lee and her Chihuahua, Buffett.

Again, ladies, I’m sorry and I’ll endeavor never to let it happen again.

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