September 20, 2024
Actor Shah Rukh Khan has been avoiding the media and paparazzi since 2021. One of the photographers explained the reason behind the actor’s act of dodging the cameras, hiding under umbrellas and not posing at events.Despite making a few rare appearances, he continues to shun the spotlight. A paparazzo recently revealed that Shah Rukh is angry with the media due to their coverage of his son Aryan Khan’s arrest, which explains his continued avoidance of the paparazzi.advertisementMumbai-based photographer Varinder Chawla revealed that Shah Rukh Khan is 'mad' at the media, which explains his continued avoidance of the paparazzi.“When Pathaan released in 2023, then my team spotted Shah Rukh Khan and they sent it to me. But, I didn’t like it because it seemed like we were invading his privacy. And SRK seemed angry. Then I made a call to the actor’s PR, informed them about the video my team recorded and told them that I won’t be using it. And apologised to them on behalf of my team for invading their privacy,” he told Hindi Rush.“You will not believe me, soon after my call, I quickly received a call from SRK’s manager who first thanked me and then informed me that Shah Rukh wanted to speak to me. I was in shock. From running behind his car to get a glimpse of him to getting a call from him, it seemed too unreal. I said, ‘anytime’. We spoke for over five minutes. After speaking to him, I realised his love for his children, his son Aryan Khan. I too have children, if people went around talking ill and negative things about my children, I too would feel sad. He was so sad, and upset back then, we didn’t care about that. We just kept complaining that SRK doesn’t give us photos and always hides his face. He is mad at the media for what they did to his son,” the paparazzo added.SRK’s son Aryan was arrested in connection with the Mumbai cruise drugs case early in October 2021. It took several court hearings and nearly four weeks for Aryan Khan to be granted bail. Eight months later, the Narcotics Control Bureau gave him a clean chit in the drugs case.Published By: Prachi aryaPublished On: Jun 10, 2024Must Watch

Actor Shah Rukh Khan has been avoiding the media and paparazzi since 2021. One of the photographers explained the reason behind the actor’s act of dodging the cameras, hiding under umbrellas and not posing at events.

Despite making a few rare appearances, he continues to shun the spotlight. A paparazzo recently revealed that Shah Rukh is angry with the media due to their coverage of his son Aryan Khan’s arrest, which explains his continued avoidance of the paparazzi.


Mumbai-based photographer Varinder Chawla revealed that Shah Rukh Khan is ‘mad’ at the media, which explains his continued avoidance of the paparazzi.

“When Pathaan released in 2023, then my team spotted Shah Rukh Khan and they sent it to me. But, I didn’t like it because it seemed like we were invading his privacy. And SRK seemed angry. Then I made a call to the actor’s PR, informed them about the video my team recorded and told them that I won’t be using it. And apologised to them on behalf of my team for invading their privacy,” he told Hindi Rush.

“You will not believe me, soon after my call, I quickly received a call from SRK’s manager who first thanked me and then informed me that Shah Rukh wanted to speak to me. I was in shock. From running behind his car to get a glimpse of him to getting a call from him, it seemed too unreal. I said, ‘anytime’. We spoke for over five minutes. After speaking to him, I realised his love for his children, his son Aryan Khan. I too have children, if people went around talking ill and negative things about my children, I too would feel sad. He was so sad, and upset back then, we didn’t care about that. We just kept complaining that SRK doesn’t give us photos and always hides his face. He is mad at the media for what they did to his son,” the paparazzo added.

SRK’s son Aryan was arrested in connection with the Mumbai cruise drugs case early in October 2021. It took several court hearings and nearly four weeks for Aryan Khan to be granted bail. Eight months later, the Narcotics Control Bureau gave him a clean chit in the drugs case.

Published By:

Prachi arya

Published On:

Jun 10, 2024

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