September 19, 2024
Cristiano Iovino, the personal trainer known for releasing interviews about a supposed flirtation with Ilary Blasi, was attacked in the night between Sunday and Monday in Milan by some unknown individuals who arrived in a van. The 37-year-old, who lives between Rome and the Lombard capital, has not yet filed a report. Let's see who he is. In North Rome, but not only, he is very well known. Among other things, he is a huge fan of Lazio. Often present at the Olimpico Stadium for the home games of the biancocelesti. A constant presence especially in the past. Then work and fame distanced him a bit. But the passion remained the same. Personal trainer, entrepreneur but above all influencer. On his left arm the writing "Audere semper" and a skull with a rose in its mouth: he would be the man whom the former Giallorossi captain had described as "very far from him," adding "fortunately" who had a liaison with the former wife. Active between Rome and Milan. The activity as an influencer Following Cristiano's movements is a job: he bounces from one part of the world to another and his Instagram is overflowing with vacation photos: Indonesia, Ibiza, Mykonos, Lake Como. At least that's what we could see until a few months ago: Cristiano had 55,000 followers. then after being at the center of gossip he deactivated his Instagram profile. Private life Also in terms of women Cristiano often jumps to the honors of the pink press, he had flirts with Giulia De Lellis, Sabrina Ghio, and Zoe Cristofori (before she became the partner of Milan defender Theo Hernandez), but no one ever confirmed. And now we also add Ilary Blasi to the list, who denies. The Blasi gate Cristiano Iovino talked about his story with Ilary Blasi. He is the "coffee man," that coffee that once discovered by Totti (at least so says the presenter in the Netflix series) shattered his marriage. "I felt guilty for months," Ilary confessed in the documentary, only to later discover that - according to her - Francesco had already had a relationship with Noemi Bocchi. "Had I known, I would have done more than just coffee," is the joke with which she closes the documentary. Ilary's truth is this: she was cheated on everyone knew except her and she never cheated on the pupone. But to overturn the cards on the table is precisely him: the coffee man. According to the version that Cristiano told Il Messaggero, he would have met Ilary through social media, that first Direct was the beginning. Then the meetings at his house and sometimes in the salon of the friend hairdresser Solidani. Ilary also invites him on vacation to New York, but he declines and it seems that on that trip the showgirl met Bastian (her current partner). All this according to Iovino happened even before the photos of Totti with Noemi came out. © ALL RIGHTS RESERVED This article is automatically translated

Cristiano Iovino, the personal trainer known for releasing interviews about a supposed flirtation with Ilary Blasi, was attacked in the night between Sunday and Monday in Milan by some unknown individuals who arrived in a van. The 37-year-old, who lives between Rome and the Lombard capital, has not yet filed a report. Let’s see who he is.

In North Rome, but not only, he is very well known. Among other things, he is a huge fan of Lazio. Often present at the Olimpico Stadium for the home games of the biancocelesti. A constant presence especially in the past. Then work and fame distanced him a bit. But the passion remained the same. Personal trainer, entrepreneur but above all influencer. On his left arm the writing “Audere semper” and a skull with a rose in its mouth: he would be the man whom the former Giallorossi captain had described as “very far from him,” adding “fortunately” who had a liaison with the former wife. Active between Rome and Milan.

The activity as an influencer

Following Cristiano’s movements is a job: he bounces from one part of the world to another and his Instagram is overflowing with vacation photos: Indonesia, Ibiza, Mykonos, Lake Como. At least that’s what we could see until a few months ago: Cristiano had 55,000 followers. then after being at the center of gossip he deactivated his Instagram profile.

Private life

Also in terms of women Cristiano often jumps to the honors of the pink press, he had flirts with Giulia De Lellis, Sabrina Ghio, and Zoe Cristofori (before she became the partner of Milan defender Theo Hernandez), but no one ever confirmed. And now we also add Ilary Blasi to the list, who denies.

The Blasi gate

Cristiano Iovino talked about his story with Ilary Blasi. He is the “coffee man,” that coffee that once discovered by Totti (at least so says the presenter in the Netflix series) shattered his marriage. “I felt guilty for months,” Ilary confessed in the documentary, only to later discover that – according to her – Francesco had already had a relationship with Noemi Bocchi. “Had I known, I would have done more than just coffee,” is the joke with which she closes the documentary. Ilary’s truth is this: she was cheated on everyone knew except her and she never cheated on the pupone. But to overturn the cards on the table is precisely him: the coffee man. According to the version that Cristiano told Il Messaggero, he would have met Ilary through social media, that first Direct was the beginning. Then the meetings at his house and sometimes in the salon of the friend hairdresser Solidani. Ilary also invites him on vacation to New York, but he declines and it seems that on that trip the showgirl met Bastian (her current partner). All this according to Iovino happened even before the photos of Totti with Noemi came out.

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