September 20, 2024
In the years since One Tree Hill aired its final season in 2012, its talented cast of stars has grown up. Many of the younger actors played high schoolers. Years later, they’re adults who have left Tree Hill, the fictional town in North Carolina where the hit series was based, in the past to start lives of their own. In fact, so many of them have kids now! As of February 2024, there are 11 actors who played key roles in the franchise that are now parents in real life. Of that number, two of them shared some very big baby news recently. Scroll through the slideshow to see all of the One Tree Hill stars who have welcomed children over the years… Continue Here » Just Jared on Facebook Photos: Getty Posted to: Celebrity Babies, celebrity parents, EG, evergreen, Extended, One Tree Hill, Slideshow, Television

In the years since One Tree Hill aired its final season in 2012, its talented cast of stars has grown up.

Many of the younger actors played high schoolers. Years later, they’re adults who have left Tree Hill, the fictional town in North Carolina where the hit series was based, in the past to start lives of their own. In fact, so many of them have kids now!

As of February 2024, there are 11 actors who played key roles in the franchise that are now parents in real life. Of that number, two of them shared some very big baby news recently.

Scroll through the slideshow to see all of the One Tree Hill stars who have welcomed children over the years…

Just Jared on Facebook

Photos: Getty

Posted to: Celebrity Babies, celebrity parents, EG, evergreen, Extended, One Tree Hill, Slideshow, Television

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