September 20, 2024

Rylan Clark has been left fearing he will die after being urged to seek emergency treatment for a bat bite.

The 35-year-old TV host alarmed fans when he explained that a winged mammal flew at him when he opened his front door and the animal landed on his skin. He has been left fearing he may have been scratched or bitten by the animal – and that he could die as a consequence.

The drama unfolded on Monday evening as darkness fell across the UK and after weather fronts brought snow to large parts of the country. Rylan explained that he happened to open his door when a bat flew at him – and he wonders if it was because the animal was seeking shelter from the weather.

However, he then started to Google the consequences of coming into contact with bats – and is now scared his life could be at risk. He was also alarmed when the internet search engine results suggested he needed medical help.

Rylan Clark

Rylan Clark was distressed by an encounter with a bat
Gareth Cattermole/Getty Images)


Rylan was alarmed by his encounter with the winged mammal
Getty Images)

Rylan took to social media to let his fans know all about his startling encounter. He began his tale on X/Twitter by stating: “A F***ING BAT JUST LANDED ON MY HAND WHAT THE F WHAT IS THIS. This ain’t normal surely WHY ME.” He then shared a voice note where he gave more information about the ordeal.

He explained: “Right, can someone please assist because I opened my front door and something flew towards me, and a bat landed on my hand. An actual bat. Like a real bat. It is five to five. I have not had a drink. This is not normal behaviour. Is it the snow? Can someone please tell me ‘cause bat’s don’t come and land on your hand.”

He then revealed he had turned to the internet for help – with alarming consequences. He wrote online: “I’ve not been bitten or scratched I don’t think but google is giving it- go to hospital. I’m just gonna dip my hand in alcohol gel. Like seriously what are the chances. What is wrong with all these animals.”

One follower responded to his message to write: “I had a bat fly straight into my face at out house in France. Frightened the s**t out of me.” Rylan then replied to this comment to ask: “Did you die?” Another fan story seemed to put the star’s mind at ease, however. A follower replied to state: “You’d know if a bat bit you, I was bitten by a bat in my own bedroom and it hurts like damnation!!!! I also had to get rabies jab and serum ‘just in case’ – v rare in UK but not impossible.”

This seemed to calm Rylan down as he responded to write: “Good. Not for you obvs, but yeah I don’t think I’ve been bitten.” He then poked fun at his own appearance after sharing his story, writing: “Maybe this explains the teeth.”

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