September 19, 2024

An emotional Gisele Bundchen broke down in tears to police as the famed model said that a member of the paparazzi wouldn’t stop stalking her.

The ex-wife of Tom Brady had been pulled over by a Miami-Dade, Florida officer for speeding. In newly released body camera footage, Bundchen begins getting super emotional as she starts crying and pleading for help. 

“I was just trying to stay (away) from that guy,” Bündchen told the cop as she pointed towards a paparazzi vehicle that she said was tailing her.


“I’m so tired,” an emotional Bündchen said. “Everywhere I go I have these f’n guys after me. Nothing protects me. I can’t do nothing. I just want to live my life,” the 43-year-old continued before adding that one of the pap’s was “stalking her.”

Now normally, if I’m a cop and I hear that, I’m probably asking this person to immediately step out of the car because we are going to be doing a DUI test and maybe even a psycho evaluation – we all saw that viral video of the airplane woman who was seeing ghosts on the airplane after all. But fortunately for Gisele, the officer recognized her (Ironically, because of paparazzi posting photos of her for years.) 

Although the cop felt for her plight, he told her there was nothing he could do about it and suggested she file a report with the county police.

“I can’t prevent them from doing their job, which is to take pictures,” the cop told her before Gisele responded “I don’t know how this is even allowed.”


It appears that even though Gisele is smiling whenever she gets her photo taken, there are clearly some underlining issues here that have built from anger and frustration to just sheer exhaustion. 

We all know that paparazzi are the absolute worst, and they will go to no end to get a photo. They are vultures, leeches, and cockroaches all in one and rarely use logic. Because if they did – they’d realize that there are already plenty of Gisele Bundchen photos out there in the world (believe me I know!) and they are much better than whatever you’re going to get in the middle of an afternoon car chase.

The big question is – will Tom Brady say anything or put any pressure on the cops to do a better job for his ex-wife that he shares two children with?

Ehh, probably not.  Not after multiple allegations of Gisele cheating on him. Looks like you and your accent are on your own, Gisele. 


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