September 20, 2024

She has had intimate clinches on camera with Harry Styles and Cillian Murphy, but that’s not why Florence Pugh really loves bedroom scenes.

The Oscar nominated star – who plays Harry’s wife in Don’t Worry Darling and has a raunchy scene with Cillian in Oppenheimer – says she adores having a nap while lighting and camera technicians tinker around her. Florence, 27, says: “I love a crew because I love lots of people around. I actually will sleep best in a room full of people that are setting up for the next shot. I could go back to my trailer and have a 10-minute kip.

“I love bed scenes… because you need to lie in the bed as they set up and see what you’re going to do in the bed. Then they say, ‘Florence, do you want to go back to your trailer?’. I always say ‘no’, and I stay there like a good little bean, because then they don’t need anyone to come in and help light. I just lie there and I have a full-on kip. And that’s when I sleep my best, because everybody’s just pottering about.”

Fortunately, it sometimes helps her portray a realistic awakening, as she did in movie Lady Macbeth. Florence tells the Dish podcast: “They’d done all the lighting and they were ready to shoot and I was still in sleeping mode, obviously. Close my eyes, fall asleep, they’re filming, and then eventually part of my brain is like, ‘Oh sh**, oh sh**’, and I wake up in like a startle.”

She adds: “He calls cut and he comes over and he’s like, ‘Yeah, yeah, good. So I think next time we’ll just shorten the sleeping bit’.”

Hopefully the next take started shortly.

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